Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What can you do?

A committee is in the process of receiving proposals for buildings to potentially be retrofitted for the future police station. The application process ends May 8. The committee should then be evaluating each proposal fairly. That said, Mark Beauchamp, a writer for The Record Searchlight made a comment in his April 21 blog that he heard that the West Venture project is "emerging as the most likely site for a retrofitted police station". How he knows this, I don't know. That said, it may be time to make your voice heard.

* Write your City Council members to let them know that you do not support a potential retrofit of the West Venture building for the future police station. You may site one of the many reasons why it is a poor fit for Redding and the Redding Police Department. 
(rbosetti@ci.redding.ca.us, pjones@ci.redding.ca.us, ddickerson@ci.redding.ca.us, mmcarthur@ci.redding.ca.us, mstegall@ci.redding.ca.us)

* Come to a City Council Meeting and let your opinion be known. You can always make comments about non-agendized items at the very beginning of the meeting. The next meeting will be June 2, at 7:00.

* Write your opinion to the Record Searchlight.

* Come to a Garden Tract Society meeting. 

* Sign an online petition. I created this basic petition to see where people stand on the issue. I plan to forward this petition, if needed in the future, to the City Council. 

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