Tuesday, April 28, 2009

August 19, 2008

A special meeting was called to discuss a real estate proposal from West Venture Development. The meeting was originally to be a closed session but was opened to the public. Councilmember Jones had discussed the details of the proposal in the media and the council decided that because that information had been prematurely given, the session could then be opened to the public. 
You can read the news article from August 14 here:

During this meeting, myself and another Garden Tract neighbor made our concerns known to the council. The item was moved to the regular session that night for futher discussion. 
You can read the minutes and staff report for the special meeting here:

During the regular session, city Manager Starman explained that the West Venture building was smaller that what was recommended (61,000  sq. ft) and that there was only 47 covered parking units below. He also mentioned that the building was limited in growth potential due to the small parcel that it sits on. The council members listened to more community members as well as Kevin Mack, one of the developers of the West Venture project. Mack explained that the $28 million  price tag was for the building only and did not include costs for additional parking, storage or improvements to the building to meet the Essential Services Act. The council discussed the issue of the police station for some time, and ultimately voted to look further into new construction design and costs and supported the findings of the Police Facility Review Committee. They also asked to have any other proposals for retrofit buildings to be sent in within 30 days.
You can read the minutes for the regular session here:

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