Sunday, May 31, 2009

June 2, 2009

There will be a City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00. They will be discussing the proposals for retrofit for a new police station. As reported in the Record Searchlight, the West Venture building is one of three proposed buildings.
It is very interesting real estate math that is being used here, as well. The building is now listed at 82,000 sq. ft.- up from 61,000 sq. ft. They have now included the unfinished basement garage in the square footage. This is very interesting. When you sell your home, you do not include your garage in the square footage. Improvements could be made to make this floor space, but I find this very misleading. Also, this would cut down on the number of parking spaces that could be provided... which is already too few.
Also, the land is listed at 2 acres BUT 1 acre of this is a tri-level LEASED parking structure that is shared with SRMC. I'm very curious how this building comes close to meeting many of the demands that were set in the RFP.

Read the RS article here:

Read the staff report for the meeting here:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What can you do?

A committee is in the process of receiving proposals for buildings to potentially be retrofitted for the future police station. The application process ends May 8. The committee should then be evaluating each proposal fairly. That said, Mark Beauchamp, a writer for The Record Searchlight made a comment in his April 21 blog that he heard that the West Venture project is "emerging as the most likely site for a retrofitted police station". How he knows this, I don't know. That said, it may be time to make your voice heard.

* Write your City Council members to let them know that you do not support a potential retrofit of the West Venture building for the future police station. You may site one of the many reasons why it is a poor fit for Redding and the Redding Police Department. 

* Come to a City Council Meeting and let your opinion be known. You can always make comments about non-agendized items at the very beginning of the meeting. The next meeting will be June 2, at 7:00.

* Write your opinion to the Record Searchlight.

* Come to a Garden Tract Society meeting. 

* Sign an online petition. I created this basic petition to see where people stand on the issue. I plan to forward this petition, if needed in the future, to the City Council.

So what's so wrong with potentially retrofitting the West Venture building?

1. Cost. We simply do not know how much it will cost to retrofit the West Venture building. We know the cost that the developer is willing to sell the building for but we do not know the cost of retrofitting the building to meet Essential Services Act standards. We also do not know the cost of purchasing other buildings to meet space and parking needs. We also do not fully know yet how much this cost is in relation to a new building. 

2. Size. The West Venture building is 61,000 sq. ft. The Police Facility Review Committee found that the police should have 67,000 sq. ft. and 10,200 sq. ft. and an indoor firing range in order to meet their needs well into the future. The RFP states that the building should be expandable to 67,500 sq. ft., have area for future outbuildings and that the site should have about 6 acres of useable space. That means, the building may not meet their needs and we'll end up in the same situation that they are in now in the future. 

3. Parking. There are 47 covered parking units under the building. About 170 more might be leased from the parking structure that is shared with Shasta Regional Medical Center. The RFP states that there should be a minimum of 240 parking spaces to be expanded to 330. The owners of a new medical office to be built blocks away from West Venture stated in an April 15, 2009 Record Searchlight article that they did not feel that the West Venture building had enough parking to fit their needs and thus decided to built their own building. This building will be about 30,000 sq. ft.

4. Impact to SRMC and health care jobs. In a September 1, 2008 article the Record Searchlight listed some of the top jobs in Redding as reported by the EDD. Registered nurse listed as a top job. With a police station potentially just a few hundred feet from the hospital. Police (and those in custody of the police) and patients sharing the parking structure one wonders how this will effect the business and image of the hospital. Also, since the building, parking and lot are undersized for the needs of the police department, will there be future encroachment? Limiting the potential for growth for the hospital and health care jobs is not a wise decision.

5. It's a medical building! This building was built to house health care professionals in an area dedicated to health care. In every cardinal direction from the West Venture building is a medical office. SRMC, Shasta Community Health Center (which is expanding), the new Shasta Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Redding Cancer Treatment Center, Redding Physicians Building and a vision center. How does a police station fit in the middle of this?

6. Impact to nearby neighborhood. The Garden Tract neighborhood sits a few hundred feet from the West Venture building. Many homes on Garden Avenue can see the building. A police station is a 24 hour facility that processes criminals. This is a not a desirable situation for the residents of the neighborhood nor can it be for the nearby Sequoia School and hospital. The traffic in the Garden Tract during community events at Sequoia and Convention Center area can be very crowded. The police station would certainly increase these demands. Noise from those events, Highway 44 and hospital helicopters would be met by the potential noise created by a 24 hour facility like a police station. We Garden Tract residents understand that they live in an urban neighborhood but stress that enough is enough. I also question the impact to our neighborhood image with a police station so nearby.

March 26, 2009

The city puts out their RFP to "explore existing building and property options for the Redding Police Department Headquarters".

Read it here:

March 17, 2008

Action: Authorized the Mayor to execute an amendment to the consultant services agreement with Nichols, Melburg and Rossetto to provide assistance with the analysis of potential buildings to be retrofitted for a police building; approved a two-step process to analyze the potential alternatives; and directed staff to form a committee composed of two City Council Members (McArthur and Bosetti), two members of the Police Department, one member each from the Transportation and Engineering Department, the Development Services Department, the City Manager’s Office, the former Police Facility Review Committee, and a retired commercial real estate agent.

Read the staff report here:

February 2, 2009

The Council revisited the decision to end the contract that was made on January 20, to end the contract with NMR. They decided to continue and modify the contract to include the evaluation of retrofit buildings. Mr. Lusso of NMR mentioned that much had already been accomplished in creating the schematics and that they had already created site plans for a new police facility on the Civic Center Campus that did NOT encroach in park land.

You can read the minutes here:

January 20, 2009

The Council prioritized major projects in preparation for potential Stimulus money. 
During the discussion of the police facility, Councilmember Jones made a motion to end the contract with NMR for the schematics for the new building. Jones had previously mentioned in the media that he had merely been interested in knowing where new Councilmember McArthur stood in regards to the police facility. The agenda item was not listed as an action item. The motion to end the contract passed 3-2.

You can read the minutes here:
Agenda and staff report here:

You can read the media article here (scroll down to Rehashing the police station):

December 2, 2008

The Council was informed that there was a state law that requires a vote by the people or a 4/5 vote by the council to change the land use of parkland. 

You can read the minutes of the meeting here:

September 16, 2008

Three more proposals for retrofit building candidates came forth since the last council meeting. The council continued their discussion regarding funding and retrofit vs. new facility. The council voted to get the schematics for a new building in the Civic Center Campus from Nichols, Melburg and Rossetto Architects. The vote was 3-2. 

You can read the minutes here:

February 19. 2008

The City Council unanimously agreed on February 19, 2008 to create a Police Facility Review Committee. The committee met weekly between March 24- July 1, 2008. Among the findings that the committee made were that a new facility be:
*67,000 sq. ft. for the main building (built to meet Essential Services Act standards)
*10,200 sq. ft. for a support building 
*include an indoor firing range
*be located at the Civic Center Campus

You can read the full report and minutes from the meeting here:

August 19, 2008

A special meeting was called to discuss a real estate proposal from West Venture Development. The meeting was originally to be a closed session but was opened to the public. Councilmember Jones had discussed the details of the proposal in the media and the council decided that because that information had been prematurely given, the session could then be opened to the public. 
You can read the news article from August 14 here:

During this meeting, myself and another Garden Tract neighbor made our concerns known to the council. The item was moved to the regular session that night for futher discussion. 
You can read the minutes and staff report for the special meeting here:

During the regular session, city Manager Starman explained that the West Venture building was smaller that what was recommended (61,000  sq. ft) and that there was only 47 covered parking units below. He also mentioned that the building was limited in growth potential due to the small parcel that it sits on. The council members listened to more community members as well as Kevin Mack, one of the developers of the West Venture project. Mack explained that the $28 million  price tag was for the building only and did not include costs for additional parking, storage or improvements to the building to meet the Essential Services Act. The council discussed the issue of the police station for some time, and ultimately voted to look further into new construction design and costs and supported the findings of the Police Facility Review Committee. They also asked to have any other proposals for retrofit buildings to be sent in within 30 days.
You can read the minutes for the regular session here:


I have started this blog in the attempts to inform my neighbors and community members regarding the City of Redding's progress to provide a new headquarters for the city police department. I became involved in this process since August of 2008 after I learned that the city was considering the West Venture property on Butte Street, near my home and the Garden Tract neighborhood. I have many concerns about the quality of life, property values, and safety if this property were to be retrofitted for the new police station. I believe that the police department is desperately in need of new headquarters, but do not feel that the West Venture property is the best fit for them or the city. I appreciate your time and concern for this matter.